Sabtu, Desember 26, 2009
ada rasa yang bias
kadang menyerah seperti sebuah tawaran air sejuk yang manis ditengah perjalanan berpasir panas ini,menggiurkan,tapi bukan aku dan aku tak akan memaafkan diri ini jika tawaran itu harus aku terima.
dear,,kamu tau? dalam ke-tidak pedulian yang kamu terima atau bahkan ignorance, kamu semakin kuat dan peka. tak perlu kamu ungkapkan rasa sakit itu pada siapapun jika sekiranya mereka hanya akan semakin meminggirkan daftar namamu di knowedpeople-list mereka, ini bukan sebuah pesismisme, bukan pula sebuah apatisasi ..tapi hanya mengajakmu melakukan yang terbaik sebelum mereka tau betapa buruknya cara kamu menghadapi masalah, sebelum kamu menyadari bahwa tak jarang jika tak ada yang ingin lebur dalam masalahmu..
yups,,do your best for your lifeproblem..sebelum kamu tak memahami apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dengan KAMU..
Senin, Desember 21, 2009
taken from desy anwar page at kickandy. "God helps those who help themselves"
But when I saw that practically everyone from the Indian community in Jakarta included their children were there in their best clothes, I realized that the person we were about to listen to was a highly respected spiritual guru with many devotees worldwide: Particularly amongst the Indian community. (When I tweeted my status on Twitter, my niece, who is familiar with Jakarta’s textile shops, was impressed. She had seen Vaswani’s pictures hanging in many Indian owned textile stores.)
And when Dada finally entered the room, his hair as white as the robes he donned and had to be assisted to his seat on the stage, I figured out that the evening’s lecture wouldn’t be about some get rich quick schemes or advice on how to invest your money for the future. It was going to be about something a lot more profound.
So there I was amongst an audience thirsty for words of wisdom and eager to follow the path of enlightenment from a man who is well into his eighties, seemingly physically fragile and yet who managed to capture everyone’s attention with his simple humility, kind demeanour and gentle voice that only the truly wise and enlightened have. Here was a man who had devoted his life in the service of others through his inspiring words and stories.
What then is the formula for prosperity? I thought it might be of some interest for the readers so allow me to share in a nutshell Dada Vaswani’s gems of wisdom, for I was certainly grateful to learn and be reminded of them that evening. According to him there are four rules, which, if followed, will surely lead to a prosperous life.
The first of these rules is, ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ This might seem an obviously simple truism that need not be reiterated. However, coming from the mouth of a sage, I could not help but nod my head in agreement that this is something that we often disregard when going about our daily lives: Which is using the intelligence and capacity for endeavour that our Maker created us with. Instead, a lot of the times we expect others to solve our problems for us and, when things go wrong, to cast blame on everything other than ourselves.
Dada gave an example of a pious man whose house in the middle of his prayer, caught fire. Soon his family rushed to the prayer room to urge him to leave the house immediately before the fire spread, whereupon he declined, insisting that he was a man of faith and that God would see to it that he was saved.
The fire grew bigger and was about to engulf the house and his neighbours, anxious for his safety, risked their lives trying to save the man, who again, refused all help saying that God would answer his prayers for safekeeping. Finally the flames reached the prayer room where he was and this time firemen were sent with ladders to rescue him through the window but to no avail. The man was adamant that God would perform his miracle and save him from the flames.
No such miracle happened however, and the man was burnt to ashes in the fire. When he went to heaven he berated God for failing to rescue him but instead allowed him to die in the fire. To which God replied that thrice he had tried to rescue him, first via his family, secondly through his neighbours and finally even sending the firemen, and still the man did not get his messages. Thus the important universal lesson, don’t expect God to do your work for you, as God will only help those who help themselves. In order to do that, praying is not enough. Often in prayers we busy ourselves with our demands and entreaties and yet we rarely use our faculties and energy to listen to the answers or follow the messages. We fail to keep our eyes and ears open and employ our intelligence to read the signs that would point us in the right direction, to see the solutions to our problems and to decipher the secret of life and the key to prosperity.
The second rule to achieving prosperity is – oh, dear I’ve ran out of space. I guess it’s for me to know and for you to find out.
(Desi Anwar is an Anchor and Writer. She could be contacted at and
Senin, November 30, 2009
around you
tapi bukan itu d'case, saat lo ngambil keputusan, bukan soal benar atau salah, tapi mengenai apa yang lo bakal terima dengan keputusan yang lo ambil itu, tentang kelanjutan hidup yang must go on,,yang orang lain ga' tau tentang lo,, Masa Depan itu rahasia Tuhan lho!!
u have 2 find d'convenience world babe>>>
perumpamaan sederhana
life is about d'same,,saat lo siap ngadepin berbagai ujian, nga malah lari, maka lo bakal lulus jadimanusia baru yang lebih tangguh jika lo bersungguh memaknai ujian itu sebagai sesuatu yang harus lo lewatin, bukan sesuatu yang harus lo hindarin..
yups,, hidup bisa diumpamakan sesederhana itu ko!!
Jumat, November 06, 2009
i pray for the heart to be unbroken,,

Rabu, Oktober 28, 2009
saat alam bawah sadar lo mengatakan lo gag bisa face it,,u cannot face it,
percaya pada kehidupan adalah kunci mujarab untuk terus survive, pasti ada rasa sakit dalam setiap kepercayaan,
mungkin saatnya lo belajar manajemen resiko,,nga cuma ilmu ekonomi yg punya manajemen resiko,,tapi surely di HIDUP NYATA lo!!
yeahh,,tinggal waktu yg akan menjawab,,seberapa kuat pertahanan lo, dan seberapa besar effort lo
sebenernya cuma lo yg tau,,
u can becoming wiser than u think, if u try hard,
best regard
Kamis, Oktober 22, 2009
kadang kita tak percaya bahwa kita memutuskan untuk mencintai,,semua terasa natural,,seolah-olah tercipta begitu saja,,tapi ask your deepest heart,,actually it's your deciding..
at least akan ada satu alasan behind all,,
Jumat, Juni 19, 2009
ada cinta saat kamu memberi
so,, u'll find it setelah kamu memberikan yang terbaik untuk siapapun,,tanpa melihat siapa yang kamu beri,,disana ada cinta sejati,,